Saturday, February 23, 2008

Few Words from My Boss

"This is the reason why I love my boss, I love my work place, I love my job, I love my life. My boss always gave me motivational words...and those words aren't just for me - it's for his people. My boss loves us very much and that is why we love him. Here's a few words from Him."

"Be careful of how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts." - Prov. 4:23

Positive attitude has nothing to do with what happens to you.
It's what you do with and how you react to what happens to you.
Positive attitude comes from your ability to process thoughts in a positive way, regardless of the circumstance.

Interesting Point:
Someone can make you angry (negative) in a second, but it takes years to achieve the positive.

Positive attitude comes from your own thought process combined with your determination to keep the right frame of mind.
Picture in your mind the feeling of "winning". Can you picture it?
It's a happy moment, a positive moment.
Wouldn't it be cool if every moment of your life were like that? Sowhat's preventing it? YOU!

A large part of attitude achievement is the visualization.
It's easier to visualize "winning" than to visualize "positve".
You can read and listen all you want, but unless you decide that you want to become a positive person, a person who thinks positive,
acts positive, and speaks positive (both proactive and reactive), your attitude will not be a positive one.
Once you discover that attitude is yours for the taking, you have to study it (from other experts), expose yourself to it

(from positive things and people) and practice it (from your inner being) until you get it.

Attitude is a blessing you give yourself!


Ria said...

hi..inspiring entry you got here... do you know about the short story of the one minute manager? its a nice story and it teaches leadership :)

aquarian blogger said...

hi ria. haven't heard of that but i'd love to read about it if you would share it with me :)